
Dynamic Web Templates

The purpose of a web template file is to have a basis from which to clone other similar pages that have common objects, like a menu or header.

To create a new template:

  1. File, New, Dynamic Web Template

  2. Code view (bottom tab in editor)

  3. Delete "<!-- #BeginEditable "body" -->"

  4. And below that, delete "<!-- #EndEditable -->"

  5. Design view (bottom tab in editor)

  6. Create table or other HTML elements

  7. Place cursor at point where you want a editable region (a place on the pages that are based on this template where you will want to have unique text/images)

  8. Format menu, Dynamic Web Template, Manage Editable Regions, Enter a name for the Region Name field, press ADD button, press CLOSE button. 

 An orange box will appear around where the new region is.  You may add as many editable regions as you like.

Sample DWT File

Simple Menu Sample

Sample Site

Sample Site DWT File

Embedding a page within a page (FrontPage 2003)