Dues & Non-Paid Members/Guests
1. Dues are currently $25 a year. The year begins with the month dues are paid, and ends 12 months later. Dues that are late, while still attending meetings, will be applied to the month they were originally due, not the time they were paid. After a period of 3 months, unpaid members will be considered guests.

2. Guests will be charged $5 for attending "regular" meetings, and $10 for "premium" meetings. Premium meetings may include: Paid lecturers, the flea market, special events, etc.. Premium meetings and fees will be noted in the newsletter. Paid members in good standing DO NOT have to pay for any meetings.

New Members
1. Anyone attending for the first time as a potential new member will not be charged for the first meeting.

2. New members must "perform" for the club in some capacity in order to be sponsored. Please note the performance does not need to be a full act. It can be a trick, a small talk about a collection, etc. The idea is to establish some level of participation with the club.

3. If a new member does not or will not perform, they can continue to attend as a guest (paying for each meeting). Any previous per-month dues will be applied to yearly dues when they do perform. Example.. if a new member attends for 3 months before performing on the fourth, they will pay $15 for that year's dues (1st month free, 2nd = $5, 3rd=$5; the balance of yearly dues would be $15). This will help establish a goal and timeline for the member to learn at least a trick or two.