No matter what HTML editor you review, they all claim to be the best and #1 on the market. Today all HTML editors are WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get"). Fortunately, the companies listed below offer a free trial version for download from their web sites. You can be the ultimate judge by trial and error. I am partial to Microsoft Expression Web (formally FrontPage) because it is the one I use most and is very easy to use (like a word processor). Expression offers something that you will not find in other editors, and that is server side support. This means that you will find on many web servers they have installed what is called "FrontPage Extensions". This is just a program that runs on the server and interacts with web pages created with the FrontPage editor. Advanced features such as "Robots" are used to do various things, like keep a hit counter, submit a form, include common html pages, and more. Using the Expression editor does not require you to use the FrontPage extensions, so you can publish your HTML documents on any web server. Another fact is that not only do FrontPage extensions run on Windows NT web servers, but also on UNIX (such as Linux) operating systems. Today you will find that FrontPage extensions run on most web servers today or is at least an option.
Microsoft Expression Web
Expression Web is part of a suite of applications in Microsoft Expression
Studio. It is probably the most popular web page creation tool (based on it's
long heritage as Microsoft Frontpage). This editor allows you to type text in and insert graphics without
knowing any HTML. It also allows you to upload your web pages to a web
server, but only as long as that server supports Microsoft FrontPage extensions.
Otherwise, you must use an FTP or web upload tool, such as those found at
(now Yahoo)
MacroMedia's DreamWeaver
professional Web sites, automate production, and enhance team efficiency with
Dreamweaver. Control your code with Roundtrip HTML, and customize Dreamweaver
for the power you need."
Another popular web page creation
tool. This program is available for Windows and Macintosh computers.
What they mean by
"Roundtrip HTML" is the concept of "What you see is what you
get", just like in FrontPage, when you type in your text and insert
graphics, that is what it is going to basically look like on the web. A
preview option is used, just like in FrontPage, to view the page as it would
appear in a browser.
GoLive 5
"Adobe® GoLive® 9 software allows both web professionals and graphic designers to visually create sophisticated, CSS-based content. Design graphics in other Adobe applications and bring them to the web with ease, using familiar tools and concepts. Then, publish your site to the web with easy-to-use site management tools similar to those found in Adobe Bridge."
This program is available for Windows and Macintosh computers.