Derrin Berger
Vice President:
Marc Berger
2007 Newsletters, SAM #35, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
January 2007 News Letter (Links to news letter in new format)
February 2007 News Letter (Links to news letter in new format)
Monday April 23rd Lecture
The Boris Wild lecture will be on April 23rd at The Family
Restaurant (formerly Howard Johnson's), RT 28 Kingston, NY just west of
the NYS Thruway. This change is due to the unavailability of CH and the
lecture availability. Our new member Nick (Terry's friend from
Headless) was kind enough to arrange the venue.
Previous Meeting 7:30 pm on Tuesday, March 13th at Central Hudson Date: March 13th, 2007 Books: |
May 2007
Established by
the Al Baker assembly to aid youngsters
Each member
can select a candidate and submit an application for ____
Jeff McBride will
be performing May 25, 26 & 27 The Boris Wild lecture was only 2 weeks ago, but for
those that can make it, there WILL be a meeting tomorrow night (5/8/2007) at
Central Hudson at our regularly scheduled meeting time. We apologize for the
late reminder. Location: Central Hudson |
June 2007
Established by
the Al Baker assembly to aid youngsters
Each member
can select a candidate and submit an application for 7:30 pm on Tuesday, June 12th at Central Hudson
Message from the Master of Mystery
Notes from the President ------------------------------------------------------- Dear Compeers,
Next Meeting! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June Meeting - Penetration Magic
Upcoming Show(s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Shaw
Extras -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a trick or show review? Or a magic joke or tip you've
been |
July 2007
7:30 pm on Tuesday, July 10th at Central Hudson July Meeting - Kids Show Magic
While not
Last Minute News! --------------------
Hey Guys,
Well, I just got off the phone with my friend from LA, comedy magician Bruce Block. He has worked with Amazing Jonathan, Kevin James, and is currently on Americas Got Talent. His act is with his rabbit Skippy Ala King. Anyway, he is going to be on the Today Show in NYC on Tuesday the night of our meeting and I will be helping him out with the show. He said that he might be able to come up and be a guest at our meeting. So, what I need you to do is to get the word out that we are going to have a very special magical guest from AGT and that he will be appearing on the Today Show live Tuesday morning. Send this on to any magicians around that you know. El Presidente!!! John
Message from the President
Dear Compeers,
Greetings my fellow magi this is your new President John Shaw. First, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me at the election. For those of you who did not, I know where you live and who you are, and as you read this I am on my way to your house to make you watch me do hippity hop rabbits a thousand times. On a serious note, I am very honored and I will be working very hard to make sure that my term is filled with many positive experiences for all of you. I would also like to thank all of the past officers for their dedication to this club and its members as well as the craft that we so love. To my current fellow officers, I would like to thank them for the path they are about to take with me and I wish them well for this will be an adventure for us all. We will be starting the first night out with a night devoted to kids show magic. I know many of you would not expect me to host a night like this but I feel that we can all have a great time showing and teaching each other some of our favorite routines that we do for our family shows. I would also like any and all of you to please send me and suggestions for lectures and/or workshops that you would be interested in. I intend to make this year very interactive and informative for all of you. I myself will be giving a lecture/workshop on magic from the sideshow, and I think that it will help you with some of your Halloween shows as we move closer to that season. I will be making a very important announcement about one of our members and I would like to encourage all of you to please try to be present at this next meeting. I would also like to let you all know that my good friend Kevin James, the inventor of the floating rose and the snow stool will be on an upcoming episode of Americas Got Talent on July 10th or 11th, so please watch and cheer him on. Well, until we meet again my fellow magi have great days and even better nights. Your friend in fun!!!
El Presidente John Shaw
Message from the Secretary
--------------------------- Dear Compeers, I would like to thank Derrin for doing such a great job as secretary. I also want to thank Carlos and Roger for their hard work and dedication. An ongoing thanks to Marc and Craig for continuing in their roles as officers. I need help! This is your newsletter. Please feel free to submit material to go in the newsletter. Some suggestions: A review of a trick, book or DVD. A Magic Show review. News of a former club member. Memories of a member that is no longer with us. Upcoming magic shows in the area. Upcoming Magic on TV. A magic joke or tip. Send an email to: -------------------- Assembly News -------------------- Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). ----------------------------------------------- Assembly #35 Fitchett/Post Scholarship winner -----------------------------------------------
Dear SAM 35 Members,
I'd like to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to further myself in magic by attending Tannen's Magic Camp this summer. I look back on the years I've spent with this club and remember all the fun I've had. I've gotten the chance to meet Michael Ammar, Jeff McBride, the Pendragons, and others. I remember Gazzo's lecture which left me short of breath from laughing so much. However, this club wouldn't be possible without the wonderful members that it has. These members have shown me kindness beyond any words I can write here, given me guidance, and offered friendship that I hadn't known before. So to all of you, thank you. I look forward to the years ahead that I will spend among such good people. Byte into an Apple, Dan
Upcoming Shows
John Shaw
July 8th @ 4PM Magic, Mystery, & Mayhem Picnic in the Park Messier Park Wappingers Falls, NY The John Shaw Pandemonium Midnight Sideshow September 15th - November 3rd 4 shows nightly @ 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, & 11PM Headless Horseman Hayride & Haunted Houses 778 Broadway, Route 9 W Ulster Park, NY 12487 845-339-2666 The John Shaw Stunt Show Spectacular August 4th @ 8PM The 2007 WPDH Roof-A-Thon @ Dutchess Recreation Vehicles On rte. 9 across from Red Lobster
Extras --------------------
Classifieds - Have something to sell? Looking
for something in particular? Send an email to
to have it including in a magic classifieds section.
Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |
August 2007
7:30 pm on Tuesday, August 14th at Central Hudson August Meeting - Parlor and Stage Magic This months meeting theme will
be on parlor and stage magic. So bring in your favorite effect (or 2 or 3)
and share it with all of us.
Message from the President
Dear Fellow Magi,
As I sit and write this letter to all of you, I am sitting in an airport in Sacramento, California after just completing a show in Idaho and then 3 in California and driving through Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, California to accomplish it. I am a bit tired and frazzled, but life must go on. At my last show in California, one of the stunt riders in our show got hurt and had to be taken to the hospital after he crashed his motorcycle into the landing ramp. He suffered a shattered jaw, broke out most of his teeth, and a compound fracture to his right wrist and a fall from 20 feet in the air. With all of that, he survived and after some emergency surgery to reconstruct his jaw he is doing very well. I myself was performing the upside down straight jacket escape hanging from a crane 40 feet in the air as well as breathing fireballs as the riders jumped over me. Just to let you all know to mark your calendars as I have confirmed with Rocco and he will be coming to do a lecture and workshop at our November meeting. He will be sharing some of his trademark secrets on sleaving and also discussing his years spent with Slydini.
There are a lots more fun filled meetings coming up so please come on out
and support our craft. I am really pulling hard to expand our membership
this year. So, I encourage you to bring a friend and get them involved in
magic. Also, if you have not already done so please make sure you pay your
dues so we can continue to do great things for the club and I will be
going over some ideas for upcoming meetings and I will be taking a vote
from the membership about some ideas I have for the future of the club.
Until Anon, John "El Presidente" Shaw
Message from the Secretary
Dear Compeers, Thanks to everyone for their words of support. I still need material for the newsletter. Please submit: a review of a trick, book or DVD. a Magic Show review. news of a former club member. memories of a club member that is no longer with us. any upcoming magic shows in the area. any upcoming Magic on TV. a magic joke or tip. Send an email to: Assembly News Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). Upcoming Show(s) The John Shaw Pandemonium Midnight Sideshow September 15th - November 3rd 4 shows nightly @ 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, & 11PM Headless Horseman Hayride & Haunted Houses 778 Broadway, Route 9 W Ulster Park, NY 12487 845-339-2666 Extras Here is Walter Gibson's rhyming patter for the "The Passe Passe Bottles": There was a wise, old geezer by the name of Ebanezer Who kept a whisky bottle that no one could locate Beneath a tube it lingered Where it could not be fingered and the method of its hiding is something I'll relate Two tubes, he had of metal To hide the whisky kettle But only one of them was used to keep it out of site On the left he had a tumbler So that no nocturnal fumbler would discover that the bottle was hidden on the right His nephew saw him slaking his ardent thirst by taking a swig of the elixer in the middle of the night He stood there in wonder at the old man's stupid blunder He had put the bottle on the left the tumbler on the right When his Uncle covered over the jug of 4 leaf clover and placed the other tube upon the migratory glass again that strange condition of magic transposition the moment Ebabezer commanded them to pass When his Uncle had departed his thirsty nephew started to get himself a little drink while Uncle was away He lifted the right cover but the bottle had passed over so he reached beneath the left to get the scotch without delay But there he was astonished to find the bottle vanished the glass was in his hand the old black bottle wasn't there Each tube that he inspected made him more and more dejected It was obvious to him that the bottle wasn't anywhere His Uncle upon returning to find his nephew yearning Volunteered to show him how the bottle could be found He made it show its label on each side of the table It passed from tube to tube and never failed to hang around When on the left it rested the right tube was invested with the glass But when the covers were replaced The bottle passed to larbord and the glass show up at starboard So quickly that their magic passing could not be retraced. When his Uncle's thirsty throttle needed moisture from the bottle He crossed his arms and in that manner made the tubes reversed. He lifted the right cover and there he showed the liquor and he was forced to snicker when he showed the tumbler on the left the place it was at first Each cover empty showing One within the other going This is the method he employed when he was by himself With happiness and pleasure He poured himself a measure and put the bottle and the tumbler back upon the shelf The End ------------------------------------ Classifieds
Have something to sell? Looking for something in
particular? Send an email to to have it including in a magic classifieds section. Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |
September 2007
7:30 pm on Tuesday, September 18th at Central Hudson September Meeting - Steve Daly Magic Lecture We will meet on the third Tuesday of the month instead of the second Tuesday. This change was done to schedule this month's guest lecturer. I hope everyone will be able to attend!
Message from the President
Greetings fellow Magi, Well, I have a very special treat for all of you. A very good friend of mine from Las Vegas is going to be in our neck of the woods in September to do a lecture/workshop. His name is Steve Daly and he is one of the best comedy magicians in the world. He headlined The Showgirls Of Magic show in Las Vegas for nearly 10 years and is also a great director and show producer. He has recently put a show into Disney and he will be in our area to do a lecture and workshop on his style of magic and help everyone improve theirs. I guarantee you all that it will be a night to remember with non stop laughter.
I know some of you will be disappointed that I am not going to be
doing the sideshow lecture/workshop but be rest assured that I will
be doing it in the very near future. Sometime when things like this
happen you just have to take advantage of them. So Steve Daly will
be here on Tuesday, September 18th to do a lecture for all of us.
Now we have changed the date of the normal meeting so remember it
will be one week late but still in the same location and the same
time. I am sure you will all have a great time at this event that I
have set up and you should all walk away with something useful. I
encourage all of you to attend and remember try to bring along a new
friend in magic to turn them onto the club. So here is an overview
of what you should expect from this lecture.
Until Anon,
Message from the Secretary
We will meet on the third Tuesday of the month instead of the second Tuesday. This change was done to schedule this month's guest lecturer. I hope everyone will be able to attend!
Send an email to:
Assembly News Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). Upcoming Show(s) The John Shaw Pandemonium Midnight Sideshow September 15th - November 3rd 4 shows nightly @ 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, & 11PM Headless Horseman Hayride & Haunted Houses 778 Broadway, Route 9 W Ulster Park, NY 12487 845-339-2666 Extras Harry Anderson describes this effect in the current issue of MUM. I have taken the liberty to write step by step instructions with greater detail. Mexican Poker ---------------------- Effect: The Magician displays 10 FACE DOWN cards. The Magician tells the spectator that they will select 5 cards for themselves and 5 cards for the Magician. The Spectator selects their hand and get a FULL HOUSE! The Spectator selects a hand for the Magician and get a STRAIGHT FLUSH! The Magician wins even though the spectator selected both hands! Setup: (Available in e-mail newsletter only) Performance Steps: (Available in e-mail newsletter only) ------------------------------------ Classifieds
Have something to sell? Looking for something in
particular? Send an email to to have it including in a magic classifieds section. Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |
October 2007
7:30 pm on Tuesday, October 9th at Central Hudson Central Hudson Just Alan's Lecture "Transcending Technique" ![]() "Just Alan" has graciously agreed to preview the lecture he will be presenting during his upcoming European tour. Just Alan is internationally known due to his many appearances at Magic Conventions. He has been featured in numerous Magic Magazines and was recently the cover story in Genii magazine. A frequent visitor, Just Alan recently became a member of Assembly #35. Come out and attend what is sure to be a thought provoking lecture by a World Class performer and original thinker in Magic.
Message from the President
Greetings fellow Magi, Well, it has been quite a crazy week for me. I finished 8 shows at the Headless Horseman and then I flew out to LA on Tuesday for my appearance on Wednesday night. Since I was in town a day early I decided to call up my friend Aye Jaye who was performing at The Magic Castle. He picked me up at the hotel and while we were in the car we worked out a routine so that I could perform at the show and promo my next nights appearance. While I was sitting in the audience I heard someone call my name and when I turned around it was my old friend Jeff McBride. So, Jeff invited me to come sit with him and asked me why I was in town, so I told him and then he told me that he was in town to tape a new show called Magic With The Stars for VH1. After watching the stage show we then went over to see Johnny Ace Palmer perform and it was awesome. We then went out to the bar and spent some time talking with Gay Blackstone. The next day was show time and it was just crazy, from the time I walked on set until the time I left it was just an awesome experience. I will elaborate more at the next meeting and give you all the stories of my experience. But, now onto this months meeting, we have a lecture by our one and only "Just Alan". I am sure that Alan's lecture/workshop should prove to be both informative and fun. Don't forget that next month we will have Rocco coming to do a lecture on the art of sleaving and his time with the late great Slydini. I will have some important news at the meeting as well so I encourage you all to attend and try to bring a friend. Until anon, John "El Presidente" Shaw -------------------------------------------------------
Send an email to:
Assembly News
Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). Classifieds
Have something to sell? Looking for something in
particular? Send an email to to have it including in a magic classifieds section. Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |
November 2007
7:30 pm on Tuesday, November 13th at Central Hudson November Meeting
Message from the President
Greetings fellow Magi, Well, as I sit here I am preparing to leave for Las Vegas in a few hours for a 4 day run of shows. I just got off the phone with Rocco and he will be doing a lecture at our club on the 13th, so make sure you are there. He has been working on a new show that is coming out in March called Magic With The Stars and he is one of the magic teachers on the show. I am sure he will be more than happy to answer some questions about his experience. I finally wrapped up my Halloween season at The Headless Horseman and it was a lot of fun. October was a very busy month for me, performing a small spot at The Magic Castle, doing The Tonight Show, shooting an episode for The Travel Channel, and then wrapping it up with a guest spot on The Early Show on CBS. Now I am off to have some fun and do some shows in my second home of Las Vegas. Well, I hope to see you all at the Rocco lecture and prepare to learn some great stuff from sleaving to all around magic style, Rocco is one of the best at what he does and I am sure there might be a D'Lite or two thrown in for good measure. Until Anon, John "El Presidente" Shaw
Send an email to:
Assembly News
Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). Classifieds
Have something to sell? Looking for something in
particular? Send an email to to have it including in a magic classifieds section. Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |
December 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Message from the President
Greetings fellow Magi, Well, I just returned from Vegas again from doing some shows at The Paris and selling myself at a trade show. It was a great week filled with great shows and hanging out with great friends. We started the week off with Penn & Teller, Amazing Johnathan, & Dog Gone Silly. Then my show ran Monday to Wednesday and in that time we squeezed in Lance Burton & Hans Klok. I will give you all a detailed review at the next meeting. While at the show I did have some friends stop by to say hi, Franz Harary, Penn, Bobby Reynolds, & Michael Goudeou. I booked 4 shows in those 3 days and I have meeting with 8 more fairs over the next few months. So, my summer is going to be crazy and hopefully I will see you guys out on the road. I also managed to spend some fun time with our friend and past lecturer Steve Daly. He and Jason were in a very bad car accident in Texas and their vehicle was totaled by a drunk driver who turned out to be an illegal alien with no license and no insurance. The animals survived as well as all their props but they were both banged up pretty bad. We had Rocco come in and lecture for us last month. I thought that everyone enjoyed the lecture and hopefully got something out of it. So, now onto this months lecture. I have decided to finally, after several delays, to do my sideshow magic lecture and workshop. So, if you have ever wanted to learn some of the "real" work on sideshow stunts, then this will be the lecture for you to attend. I will be going over a lot of different stunts and I will answer any and all questions. I will be teaching the mousetrap on the tongue routine as well as the popcorn from the eye. This is the effect that has landed me on many national TV shows and is one of the effects that I am most known for. So, please let everyone know that the next meeting will be a lot of fun and filled with some great effects. Also, this will be our holiday party and we will have some snacks and beverages for everyone. Now, mark your calendars and make sure you are at our next meeting and remember to bring a friend and spread the word about our magic club. Until Anon, John "El Presidente" Shaw
Send an email to:
Assembly News
Local Assembly Dues are due! Local dues are $25 dollars and should be paid on or before the September meeting. All local members should also be members in good standing in the National S.A.M. NOTE: National dues are going up to $65 a year. See MUM magazine to see how you can get membership for the next 3 years for only $50 a year (a $45 savings). Classifieds
Chair Suspension Illusion - I have a like new Jim Sommers Chair Suspension
(with upholstery travel bag and ATA case) for sale. Detail description
of the effect
can be found at (Stock #s - ST009 and ST050). Additionally, a performance video can be seen on Mak Magic's web site ( Price - $250.00. If interested please contact Wally Libenson at (845) 462-6243 or via email at Have something to sell? Looking for something in particular? Send an email to to have it including in a magic classifieds section. Source for Magic News Up-to-the-minute guide of Magic and Magicians on TV A Comprehensive magic listing of Live magic shows around the world Terry Morgan, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35 |