Derrin Berger
Vice President:
Marc Berger
2006 Newsletters, SAM #35, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
#35 Newsletter
1/2006 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
January is here and we are forging ahead with our fundraiser “Cavalcade of
Magic” with performances on January 7th at 8:00 pm and January 8th at 3:00 pm at
the Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. These shows will replace our
January meeting as Central Hudson is not available and many of us have plenty of
work to do that weekend. I hope that we will see everyone at the show and that
everyone has been working as hard to promote the show, as I know some have been.
If this show sells out both nights we will be talking about putting roughly
$4500 in our treasury, so let’s get out the last push and contact our friends,
family and everyone you can think of!
This Month
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
2/2006 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
This Month Don't miss it, or we'll confiscate your thumb-tips.
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
3/2006 (click to watch a demo video of Rudy Hunter)
(click here to
watch another demo video) |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
This Month
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
March 8th, 2006 - Magic Palooza
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
4/2006 Tuesday, April 11th, 2006 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
We are living in an amazing time for magic.
The information super highway has created a whole new avenue for magicians to
socialize, communicate and share ideas. Today we can virtually reach out to
hobbyists, performers and creators of effects and enter into dialog with them
through e-mail and instant messaging. We can share our own ideas and market
products with ease. Pay Pal allows nearly everyone to accept electronic
payments over the Internet.
So the question is why do we bother with a
club like ours? Well I think the reason is that no matter how good electronic
communication is that it will never replace face-to-face hands on interaction
when it comes to learning magic or social interaction. It’s not easy to teach
a bit of finesse live in person, and even more difficult to do virtually. This
is also why books remain great un-mined resources, because many things don’t
read as well as they are when seen performed.
This leads me to another area of discussion
or comment. What will our club be in the future? Well I think that depends on
us; our willingness to work at growing our club, making it a positive place to
share magic, and also a place that will draw those with an interest and
passion for the art of magic. My goal is to make Al Baker Assembly #35 the
best it can possibly be. I think our fundraiser was a good start, but we will
need to do more and keep ideas flowing for that to happen.
So don’t just show up to the lectures! Come
and support the club even when we have nothing planned, bring something to
teach, share an idea, bring a guest, remember the longevity of this
organization which has given us all a place to safely share our magic and
community depends on the strength of our support.
I look forward to seeing you on April 11th
for the Francis Menotti Lecture; it promises to be an interesting and useful
lecture. We were looking forward to having Francis perform at Magic Palooza,
but unfortunately Palooza was preempted by a death in the family of BSP’s
Magically Yours,
Carlo DeBlasio, President S.A.M. Assembly 35 This Month
April Meeting - Lecture by Francis Menotti!
Hosted by: Derrin Berger
Dues were due
Seriously though… it’s march… he he : ) ***** Dues are now $25/yr ***** If you haven't already paid, please take the opportunity this meeting to pay dues for the 2005/2006 year. If you can not attend this meeting, or wish to make dues payments before the meeting, please contact our Treasurer Roger Lewin at: 845-473-2320
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
JOHN SHAW - AN EVENING OF MAGIC, MYSTERY AND MAYHEM w/ special guest Derrin Berger TICKETS: $10 IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING DAVE.PARKER@NORTRAX.COM - *********************************** Magic Palooza with Derrin Berger, Carlo DeBlasio, & Frank Monaco and David Oliver!!!
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
Yes, it is I your humble servant (not servante) with another installment of
The Presidents Words. No, it is not George Bush (I can pronounce “nuclear”).
It is, I, Carlo – Master of Mystery! The real mystery is: where do I get
this stuff?
Carlo DeBlasio, President S.A.M. Assembly 35 This Month
May Meeting - Teach A Trick
Tuesday, May 9th, 2006 7:30 PM - Central Hudson 284 South Ave Poughkeespie Hosted by: Carlo DeBlasio Coming up June Meeting - ??? Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 7:30 PM - Central Hudson 284 South Ave Poughkeepsie Hosted by: Carlo DeBlasio
Dues were due
Seriously though… it’s march… he he : ) ***** Dues are now $25/yr ***** If you haven't already paid, please take the opportunity this meeting to pay dues for the 2005/2006 year. If you can not attend this meeting, or wish to make dues payments before the meeting, please contact our Treasurer Roger Lewin at: 845-473-2320
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know. May 6th, 2006 - Family Fun Extravaganza Frank Monaco, Ronny Romm, Chris Chiappini, & Byron Harden Showtime: 6 PM Family Partnership Center 29 North Hamilton St. Poughkeepsie, NY $12, under 12 $8 845-338-1260, 795-2119 *********************************** May 10th, 2006 - Magic Palooza Magic Palooza with Derrin Berger, Josh Cohen, & Frank Monaco and David Oliver!!! 8pm - Backstage Studio Productions, 323 Wall St. Kingston, NY *********************************** MAY 12 & 13 AT 8PM & MAY 14 AT 3PM ALAIN NU "CIRCUS OF THE MIND" SHOW AT THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS AT RHINEBECK
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
(Ok, the Secretary this time) This Month
June Meeting - Special Flea Market & Election Talk
Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 7:30 PM Central Hudson 284 South Ave. Poughkeepsie Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio Coming up July Meeting - ??? Will we have one? Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 7:30 PM - Central Hudson 284 South Ave Poughkeespie Hosted by: Carlo DeBlasio
Dues were due
Seriously though… it’s march… he he : ) ***** Dues are now $25/yr ***** If you haven't already paid, please take the opportunity this meeting to pay dues for the 2005/2006 year. If you can not attend this meeting, or wish to make dues payments before the meeting, please contact our Treasurer Roger Lewin at: 845-473-2320
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know. June 14th, 2006 - Magic Palooza Magic Palooza with Derrin Berger, Carlo DeBlasio, Don Demarzio & Daniel GreenWolf! 8pm - Backstage Studio Productions, 323 Wall St. Kingston, NY
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
7/2006 Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 Teach-a-Trick Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery) Dear Compeers,
It seems that recently there has been a great deal of loss in the magic
community. Names like Channing Pollock, Derek Dingle, Ormond McGill, George
Sands, Jay Marshall, and most recently Tommy Wonder have physically left our
midst and become memories. They live on as memories, in written word and
video and film because they have left behind a legacy of magic invention,
innovation and creation. They are missed by many more than just those who
knew them. You can look into the acts of contemporary magicians and see bits
and pieces of the legends of magic. As we move through time inspired by
those who came before us, and who shared with us their passion for our art
and it's furtherance.
As the SAM convention in St. Louis approaches, we ought to consider our own legacy as members of this illustrious Society. I know that often times I take for granted the true power that we magicians wield, the power to inspire. After all, wasn't it some magician in your past that inspired your own interest in magic?
We stand on the shoulders of giants, perhaps not giants in stature,
character, wealth or fame, but giant in their love for our art and their
contribution to it. I wonder if magic will continue to see such innovators?
I can only hope that we will.
I have been quite busy with shows and personal commitments, but I assure you
that I am continuing to seek lecturers for the club; unfortunately it has
been a challenge this season. Our next meeting will consist of teaching and
sharing our magic. Please bring something that you can share with the group.
Magically Yours,
Carlo DeBlasio, President S.A.M. Assembly 35 This Month
284 South Ave.
Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio
Coming up
Dues were due
Seriously though… it’s march… he he : ) ***** Dues are now $25/yr ***** If you haven't already paid, please take the opportunity this meeting to pay dues for the 2005/2006 year. If you can not attend this meeting, or wish to make dues payments before the meeting, please contact our Treasurer Roger Lewin at: 845-473-2320
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know. June 14th, 2006 - Magic Palooza Magic Palooza with Derrin Berger, Carlo DeBlasio, Don Demarzio & Daniel GreenWolf! 8pm - Backstage Studio Productions, 323 Wall St. Kingston, NY
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery) Dear Compeers,
Yes it’s that time again! Our September meeting is close at hand and this
month we have the talented Joshua Jay lecturing. Please make an effort to
show up for this lecture and spread the word among other SAM members. Magically Yours,Since I would like the lecture to start on time (7:30 pm) I would ask that all please be prompt and arrive before 7:30 pm. The doors of the Central Hudson Conference Center require us to place someone at the door in order to allow entry, if you are not there prior to 7:30 pm, I cannot guarantee that you will gain entry to the building. PLEASE BE PROMPT. All business items will be held until October to allow the lecture maximum time. I will be at the conference center by 7:00 pm, so if there is anything you would like to discuss with me, be there early. In October we will discuss Cavalcade of Magic (2), future lectures, magic camp scholarships and other important issues as well as a focus on Halloween themed magic. Speaking of shameless plugs, Derrin Berger, Frank Monaco and I are resurrecting Magic Palooza from its shallow grave and we will be back at BSP September 13th, 8pm show time with guest performer Rudy Hunter (visit for more details). Please come love us, or send your friends to love us please? (Derrin made me write that.) Also our resident freak, and I say that with love, John Shaw will be reprising his regular role as the mad-cap magic/sideshow/comedy performer at Headless Horseman Haunted Hay Rides (voted #1 Haunted attraction in America) starting Saturday, September 13th (see for more details). Well there you have it! September will be a magical month. I look forward to seeing everyone at the lecture.
Carlo DeBlasio, President S.A.M. Assembly 35 This Month
September Meeting - Josh Jay Lecture!!!
Tuesday, Sept 12th, 2006 7:30 PM Central Hudson 284 South Ave. Poughkeepsie
Hosted by: Carlo Deblasio
Coming up
SAM #35 Message Board
You may need to create a yahoo ID if you don't already have one, and you should
be able to join the group once you reach that page. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
October 10, 2006 Lecture by Alan Sands![]() Location: Central Hudson – 245 South Road Time: 7:30 PM Host: Carlo Deblasio View Current Newsletter in PDF format |
November 2006 News Letter (Links to news letter in new format)
December 2006 News Letter (Links to news letter in new format)