Derrin Berger
Vice President:
Marc Berger
#35 Newsletter
1/2005 Harvey Berg Lecture on Mentalism Reschedule for February 8th Details to follow....
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Joe Que, President, SAM #35
2003-2004 OFFICERS
January Meeting - cancelled due to weather
February - Harvey Berg, Mentalism NEWSWORTHY
#35 Newsletter
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Spring is coming, The weather is getting better, but its still February and who knows what we can get. It was a good decision to cancel last month's meeting. If you remember, that was the big snow storm that dumped 12 inches of snow on us. This month we have Harvey Berg teaching us Mentalism. Bring your thinking caps, Harvey's stuff is excellent. Harvey has been traveling the world, doing his lecture for magicians and now he's performing for us. He has several effects on the market including a book test and his first new book that's already sold out. Harvey has been a member of our assembly for many years and has shared his magic with us before. Please bring pen and paper for notes & a deck of cards. Harvey will have some lecture notes and books for sale after the meeting. So, we won't be pressed for time, (and to celebrate my 27th birthday) our meeting will be held at the Milanese on Main St. Poughkeepsie. We'll be there early for dinner if any one would like to join us. See you there. Joe Que, President, SAM #35
You won't want to miss our February meeting with Harvey Berg!! Apart from being
one really smart guy (Mensa Member) he also is one heck of a magician. Harvey
has literally been all over the world and has many effects on the market, not to
mention a sold out book. Here is what Linking Ring had to say about one of his
most awesome effects, "Final Exam."
2003-2004 OFFICERS
January Meeting - cancelled due to weather
February - Harvey Berg, Mentalism NEWSWORTHY
#35 Newsletter
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Hello Everyone, I would like to thank Harvey Berg for a great lecture last month. His magic is so mind blowing, it requires some thought (OK a lot of thought) but the end result is unbelievable. Everything he showed us was do-able if you just invest a little time. I also just enjoyed watching him perform and thinking to myself, how the heck did he just do that! This month we'll be doing more hands on magic. Please bring a deck of cards with you to the meeting. Frank, Derrin & myself will be teaching some card tricks that you'll be able to go home and show someone. We invite anyone else that has a favorite trick to show & teach it. If your favorite trick is not a card trick that's fine, teach it just the same. This month's meeting will be at the Milanese 115 Main St. Poughkeepsie, 7:30 pm Joe Que, President, SAM #35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March Meeting - Close-up Workshop Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:30 PM - The Milanese Restaurant 115 Main Street Poughkeepsie Hosted by: Joe Que Our March meeting promises to be a lot of fun. We are going to have a close-up workshop. So, bring you favorite effect to perform, it doesn't have to be cards. We are going to try to run it much like the Coin Workshop we had a while back. Also, I may have a surprise or give away for everyone that attends, so be sure to show up. Last time we gave away free Coin Magic DVD's that people really liked. This should be a fun and casual meeting for everyone involved. Also, I will be sending out an additional e-mail explaining some of the items we discussed at our last meeting. We were planning on having a banquet this year, but in order to do so, we need your support. Specific details will following in a separate e-mail. Plan on coming to April's's going to be great. Joe was able to book Aldo Colombini. If you have never seen Aldo before you are in for a great time. Here is a little info about him........... Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993 and has taken the country by storm! He has performed for over 30 years as a professional magician and comedian in over 35 countries including every European country, the United States, Canada, Japan and South America for both children and adults. He is a F.I.S.M. prizewinner, one of the most prestigious awards in the world of magic. He performed often on Italian television (RAI 1) where he had a show for children. Besides the United States, he has also appeared on television shows in Portugal, Spain, Japan, Colombia and Sweden. Aldo appeared often at Caesar's Magical Empire in Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas (which unfortunately closed its doors in 2002) and appears several times a year at the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California where he was twice voted Parlor Magician of the Year by the Academy of Magical Arts. Aldo is the only magician in the history of the Hollywood Magic Castle who was nominated for awards in 5 different categories by the Academy of Magical Arts: Comedy, Stage, Parlor, Close-Up and Lecturer. His versatility allows him to work all three showrooms, where audiences are mesmerized by his wonderful mix of magic, comedy and Italian charm. He has also been nominated by the Academy of Magical Arts as Close-Up Magician of the Year . He was a featured performer on "Masters of Illusion," a series of weekly magic specials that aired on PAX TV. And, if all that wasn't enough, he speaks Italian, English, Spanish and French allowing him to dazzle audiences from diverse backgrounds making him the perfect corporate entertainer as he can amaze clients from all over the globe. This, along with his magical talents, charisma and humor, puts him in demand by major companies who entertain clients from around the world.
2003-2004 OFFICERS
#35 Newsletter
4/2005 April Meeting -
Aldo Colombini |
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Hello Everyone, Sorry for the cancellation of last month's meeting, but we felt it best due to the weather conditions. This month's meeting will be held on April 20th and will feature Aldo Colombini. Frank has provided a description below, for those of you not familiar with his magic. It should be a really good time with plenty of quality magic and comedy to learn from. To offset the cost of the lecture we are charging all NON-Members of the assembly $10, but all current members in good standing, dues paid, will be free. Hope to see you there. April 20th's meeting will be at the Milanese 115 Main St. Poughkeepsie, 7:30 pm Joe Que, President, SAM #35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April Meeting - Close-up Workshop Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:30 PM - The Milanese Restaurant 115 Main Street Poughkeepsie Hosted by: Joe Que ![]() Plan on coming to April's's going to be great. Joe was able to book Aldo Colombini. If you have never seen Aldo before you are in for a great time. Here is a little info about him........... Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993 and has taken the country by storm! He has performed for over 30 years as a professional magician and comedian in over 35 countries including every European country, the United States, Canada, Japan and South America for both children and adults. He is a F.I.S.M. prizewinner, one of the most prestigious awards in the world of magic. He performed often on Italian television (RAI 1) where he had a show for children. Besides the United States, he has also appeared on television shows in Portugal, Spain, Japan, Colombia and Sweden. Aldo appeared often at Caesar's Magical Empire in Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas (which unfortunately closed its doors in 2002) and appears several times a year at the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California where he was twice voted Parlor Magician of the Year by the Academy of Magical Arts. Aldo is the only magician in the history of the Hollywood Magic Castle who was nominated for awards in 5 different categories by the Academy of Magical Arts: Comedy, Stage, Parlor, Close-Up and Lecturer. His versatility allows him to work all three showrooms, where audiences are mesmerized by his wonderful mix of magic, comedy and Italian charm. He has also been nominated by the Academy of Magical Arts as Close-Up Magician of the Year . He was a featured performer on "Masters of Illusion," a series of weekly magic specials that aired on PAX TV. And, if all that wasn't enough, he speaks Italian, English, Spanish and French allowing him to dazzle audiences from diverse backgrounds making him the perfect corporate entertainer as he can amaze clients from all over the globe. This, along with his magical talents, charisma and humor, puts him in demand by major companies who entertain clients from around the world.
2004-2005 OFFICERS
#35 Newsletter
5/2005 May Meeting -
Aldo Colombini Recap |
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Hello Everyone, We had a great turn out for Aldo Colombini! It was a fantastic lecture. He showed us some excellent effects that looked impossible, but in reality were easy to perform. So, this month, we're going to work out of his lecture notes. The idea is to learn what we were shown last month. So, please bring a deck of cards, some rope, 4 Quarters and a close up mat, if you have one. If you bought his notes & have learned a trick or two, please help teach it to the rest of the group. See you at the Milanese Tuesday 5/10/05! May 10 meeting will be at the Milanese 115 Main St. Poughkeepsie, 7:30 PM
#35 Newsletter
Close-up Work Session, Pizza Party, New Officer Elections |
RIGHT ON QUE Words from the president Hello Everyone, Well this is the last time I will be writing this news letter. Its been a long time, between Frank & myself it has to be 12 or 13 years. I remember when I started I didn't even have a computer to write the news letter on. When I did get one, I could fill this page in no time. I still have a lot to say, but not the time or energy. This doesn't mean I am leaving the club. No one loves this club more then me, well except maybe Ed & George. Its just time to take a rest and help out in the background. We have a lot of young blood, that just needs a chance to show us what they can do. Our club has a reputation of being a strong, organized and talented group. That is one of the reasons we attract big names to lecture for us. There are things I like to see continue, one is that after a lecture, the next month we work out of the lecture notes. This past meeting was great. I received more phone calls and e-mails then I have in a long time. it started with a small group of 5 or 6, and people just kept coming, by the end of the night we had 23 people doing rope tricks. So, this month, is our last meeting for the summer. I think we should have a fun get together. So, bring your cards, coins and rope and we'll see what happens. We'll add some pizza and soda (cash bar if you'd like) and end the year with a bang. Thanks for all the fun Joe Que, President, SAM #35 Please note: That we will be inducting new officers at the June
meeting. We passed out ballots last meeting and have tallied the results thus
far. I will also be passing out ballots this meeting, which will have to be
filled out and tallied during this meeting, for anyone that did not get a chance
to vote yet. We will announce the new officers, once all the votes are in.
#35 Newsletter
7/2005 But catch this: |
Special Announcement #1 Hello all! Special Announcement #2
MAGIC PALOOZA will premier at 8 pm on Wednesday July 27th, 2005 at Backstage
Studio Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY. Admission is $8 and the show
is rated PG 13. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#35 Newsletter
9/2005 |
--- S.A.M. #35 Announcment --- MAGIC PALOOZA returns at 8 pm on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at Backstage Studio Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY. Admission is $8. Reservations can be made by calling Backstage Studio Productions at (845) 338-8700. MAGIC PALOOZA's guest performer will be DAVID OLIVER from Boston, MA. For general information about Magic Palooza, please visit: Derrin Berger, Secretary S.A.M. Assembly #35
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Hi everyone,
Dear SAM assembly 35 members,
This Month
Frank Monaco has been performing magic for over 25 years. Frank's dynamic, fast
paced style combines magic with audience participation, live animals and comedy
creating a hilariously entertaining magic show. Frank has made a name for
himself as a highly sought after family friendly entertainer.
#35 Newsletter
10/2005 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear SAM Assembly 35 Members,
This Month
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
11/2005 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
Many members showed up to our last meeting after this subject had been
addressed, so I encourage you to e-mail
or telephone me with your suggestions.
This Month
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
2005-2006 OFFICERS |
#35 Newsletter
12/2005 |
President's Message (Message from the Master
of Mystery)
Dear Compeers,
This Month
Also, to help the auction run smoothly, please bring a list of the items you're
auctioning off along with their minimum bids.
SAM #35 Meeting Calendar
SAM #35 Message Board
2005-2006 OFFICERS |