Derrin Berger
Vice President:
Marc Berger
#35 Newsletter 1/2003
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president
THE MONTHS AHEAD (tentative schedule) NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
#35 Newsletter 2/2003
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president
THE MONTHS AHEAD (tentative schedule) NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Todd Charles
and his Originality, Creativity and the stuff we call show business lecture:
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#35 Newsletter 3/2003 Milanese Restaurant, 115 Main Street, Poughkeepsie
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president Our March 4, 2003, (the first Tuesday) our lecturer is on his way to New York as you read this. John Calvert & Tammy left Florida 2/17/03. They have a few stops on the way up, then to Connecticut for the NEMCON convention. John Calvert has lived a life that should be a movie. Ed Fitchett loaned me his John Calvert book to read. It is just unbelievable! This man has flown airplanes since the 30's and has had 4 or 5 yachts. He has been around the world 5 times, sailing his own boat. In his book he tells about sailing up the Hudson River and stopping in Roundout Creek to see Walter & Litzka Gibson. Then up the channels into the Finger Lakes, and down the Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee, and finally out to the Gulf of Mexico. In his lecture, Mr. Calvert will give out 2 lists, one with names of magicians and actors he knew. The other list has magic tricks & illusions which we'll be able to pick from and he will talk about that person or effect. He'll also have memorabilia for sale, and I am sure he'll sign any books or posters we have. This is going to be a fun night. Our meeting will be held at the Milanese restaurant in Poughkeepsie. I'll be having dinner around 6:00 pm, everyone is invited (at your own expense). Our banquet is taking shape. Dawn, Frank, Torkova & myself went to Casa Milanese over by Rocking Horse Ranch in Highland, NY. We are talking with Santino about a buffet dinner. That will allow everyone to have as much or as little as they want to eat, and we know the food is going to be excellent! The date we are shooting for looks like Sunday, May 18, 2003. I'll have more information at our March meeting. Our April meeting will be on April 2, 2003, at the Milanese also. Aaron Fisher will be lecturing on card magic & sleight of hand. His new book is selling well, and he'll be teaching from it. That's
all for now.......see you in March.
THE MONTHS AHEAD (tentative schedule) NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
#35 Newsletter
4/2003 Milanese Restaurant, 115 Main Street, Poughkeepsie
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president What a great March meeting! 36 people came out to the Milanese to meet John & Tammy Calvert. John at 92 is such a gentleman and perfectionist. For those of you who couldn't make it, John set up a back drop & wings so he could perform. He did several rope escapes, one where Geovanni tied his wrist in front of him. He then turned around and freed his hands. Next he grabbed Geo's hand, turned around and John and Geo where tied together. Next he talked with Darrin for about 2 minutes, then Geo & myself tied Darren up with a 100 feet of rope. Darren was able to escape faster then it took us to tie him up. He showed us how to do rope though the neck or waist without using thread. Everyone was handed a little booklet with magician's and actor's names. As we called out names, he told us stories about that person. John closed with his dancing hank. It was great! Afterwards they sold posters, video's and books. John and Tammy signed autographs and took pictures with everyone that wanted them. It was a fun night had by all. We have been working hard on our banquet. It will be
on Sunday, May 18 starting at 3pm at the Casa Milanese in Highland, NY just past
the Rocking Horse ranch. Cocktail hour will open at 3pm with a cash bar,
soda, water, coffee & tea on the tables plus horsd'oeuvres including chicken
filet, clams oreganata, stuffed mushrooms & cocktail meatballs. During
cocktail hour, we'll have David Oliver & Scott Hitchcook performing close
up. Dinner is a buffet including stuff filet of sole, Penne Alla Vodka,
roast beef, stuffed shells, chicken marsala, fresh vegetables, bread &
salad. After dinner David Oliver will open our show, then MC.
Scott is coming in from Las Vages to do his new magic swing act. Max Nover
from Boston, is a 15 year old S.Y.M. member who has a nice stage act. Our
closer is David Garrity. David is the main magician at Six Flags Theme
parks. Tickets will be $48 per person. Each member will receive 4
tickets in the mail. Two are for you, the other two are for sale to
friends or family. If we all do our part in selling 4 tickets each we'll
have a great turn out and put some money back into our kitty. This is a
good way to raise money without asking the same people to perform over and over.
See ya soon.
THE MONTHS AHEAD (tentative schedule) NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
Al Baker Assembly
#35 2003 BANQUET
#35 Newsletter 5/2003 Casa Milanese, 692 Route 44/55 Highland, NY
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president Well, this month's lecturer is no slouch either. Michael Ammar will be with us on Friday, May 2nd. Michael needs no special introduction. He's been award "World Champion of Magic". He has lectured around the world and has several books out. We'll be having this meeting at the Casa Milanese in Highland, NY - The same place as our banquet. This will give everyone a chance to see the place. I have to thank Santino Milanese once again for his hospitality. Central Hudson was booked all month & Santino has a party in Poughkeepsie. But he still went out of his way to let us use his place in Highland. Our banquet is
coming quick. Sunday, May 18 starting at 3pm at the Casa Milanese in
Highland just past the Rocking Horse ranch. Cocktail hour will open at 3pm
with a cash bar, soda, water, coffee & tea on the tables plus horsd'oeuvres
including chicken filet, clams oreganata, stuffed mushrooms & cocktail
meatballs. During cocktail hour, we'll have David Oliver & Scott Hitchcook
performing close up. Dinner is a buffet including stuff filet of sole, Penne
Alla Vodka, roast beef, stuffed shells, chicken marsala, fresh vegetables, bread
& salad. After dinner David Oliver will open our show, then MC Scott
is coming in from Las Vegas to do his new magic swing act. Max Nover from
Boston, is a 15 year old S.Y.M. member who has a nice stage act. Our closer is
David Garrity. David is the main magician at Six Flags New England.
Tickets will be $48 per person. Each member should have received 4 tickets
in the mail. Two are for you, the other two are for sale to friends or
family. I'll have more tickets available at our meeting. (I've sold 8 but
Santino has me beat by 4). If we all do our part in selling 4 tickets
each. We'll have a great turn out and put some money back into our kitty.
THE MONTHS AHEAD (tentative schedule) NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
Scott Hitchcock and
M.C. David Oliver
at the S.A.M. #35 annual banquet, May 18, 2003
(Click image for slide show)
#35 Newsletter
6/2003 Milanese Restaurant at 115 Main St. Poughkeepsie
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president This month's meeting will be on the second Tuesday of June (the 10th) at the Milanese Restaurant at 115 Main St. Poughkeepsie. We will be voting on officers for next year. Afterwards, we'll have a workshop/teaching. Please bring a deck of cards and some coins. Petrick and Mia would like to do a workshop as part of their final tour on June 21st which is a Saturday afternoon. The cost is $30.00 per person and you'll receive PM Magic Coins, cards, and other props needed to perform seven amazing routines. I will need a minimum of twelve people signed up to book them, so please let me know ASAP by e-mailing me at or by phone at 473-3818. Paul Gertner will be performing at the Center for
Performing Arts at Rhinebeck on June 19th, 20th, and 21st at 8:00 PM and on
Sunday June 22nd at 3:00 PM. Tickets are $20.00 and may be reserved by calling
845-876-3080. NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
#35 Newsletter
9/2003 |
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a safe and fun summer. I am going to keep this short, because I have so much to tell you that I would like to do it in person at our first meeting. Our year will kick off with a lecture from Peter White. Many of you know Peter as the person who makes one of the best silks and silk products in the world. Peter will be giving us his insight into his vast knowledge of not only silk magic, but magic in general. I am looking forward to this lecture because Peter has added new items in his lecture as well as new items to his product line. We will discuss several new things the committee has been working on and discussing over the summer, so please be prepared to voice your opinions, and make some decisions as to the direction the club will be taking this year. Hope to see everyone at our first meeting in September, as this year is already shaping up to be a great one....wait and see! P.S. I want to apologize for the Newsletter being so late, it will be on time
from here on in. I am getting used to what Steve has setup for me, and
what he has used in the past. He makes it look so me it's
not. It's a lot of work, and I for one want to thank Steve for all the
hard work he has put into the Newsletters in the past several years. Thank
you Steveo.....You're the best!! NEWSWORTHY
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
Hello All, The actual newsletter for November will be a little late this month, so I am sending this note out ahead of time. The meeting for November will be a Flea market. We usually have an auction, but last year we tried a flea market style event and it seemed to go over very well. So, in light of that fact, we are going to try it again and here are the details. The business meeting will start at 7:30 as usual. After that, we will move right into the Magic Flea Market. If you would like to sell something, a "table" will cost you $5.00. Once you have a "table", you can sell as much as you want. If you are selling, please try to remember to make sure the prop is in decent shape, has instructions if possible, etc. The club will not stop you from selling anything, so buyer beware. If you are buying something, it obviously will not cost you anything to just attend the meeting. Remember the more you bring to sell, the better the event will be. Also, try to have prices on most of what you are selling, so people can look at what you have more easily. Some people even go as far as having a little list printed with a description of the trick and price. The November meeting will be at Central Hudson on Tuesday November 11th at 7:30 PM. See you there... Frank Monaco, Secretary |
#35 Newsletter
11/2003 |
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president Hi Everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed the Pendragons lecture in October. I received a lot of positive feedback and it seemed everyone had a really good time. If any of you were able to see the show at UPAC the day before, I am sure you enjoyed that as well. No matter how many times you see them perform the sub trunk, it still amazes me how fast they are. Jonathan answered a list of questions provided to him by various club members as well as giving us much insight about the business in general. He also talked about himself and Charlotte as to how they met and the hurdles that they both have overcome to make it to the point they are currently at. This month's meeting is our ever popular Auction/Flea market. We have decided to go with just a flea market this year because it was so popular last year. It will work as follows, just bring all the stuff you want to sell and give the club just $5 to "buy" a table and sell as much as you want. We always get a good turn out for this event so I for one am really looking forward to getting some good deals on new and used magic. Well that's all for now see you at the meeting. This Month's meeting is always a club favorite.
Instead of doing a standard auction as we have done in the past, we are going to
try going with the Flea market again as we did last year. All members are
invited to bring any magic or magic related items they want to sell. You "buy"
a table for $5 and sell as much or as little as you want. This way, people can
browse what you have, and see it up close and actually know exactly what they
are buying. It seemed to work out very well last year, so we are going to try
it again this year. Remember try to have your items already priced or at least
have a price list Also, remember the Flea market is only as good as the items
it contains, so clean out the closets and sell those items that you don't use
anymore. It should be a really great night for everyone...Hope to see you
If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |
#35 Newsletter
12/2003 |
RIGHT ON QUE notes from the president Hello Everyone, I can't believe, it the end of 2003! It seems just like yesterday we were worrying about the year 2000 and would we lose everything due to the computers blowing up and the world coming to and end. Our year has started off well. P&A
silks in Sept.,The Pendragons in Oct., our flea market in Nov. I am sorry we
weren't able to give everyone more advance notice about the change in date for
the flea market. I was out of town, and Frank was going out of town. So he put
together the news letter right before he left. The reason is that Derrin
Berger was able to book Kostya Kimlat for our December meeting. So we moved the
flea market, but we had a good turn out and the 3 venders sold out! There were
some good buys to be had. Steve Johnson sold a Harbin folding table. Craig
Dickson was selling brand news effects at 75% off and Frank had a box full of
goodies. Kostya Kimlat is an
award-winning performer from Orlando, Fl. Forget everything you know about the
pasteboards and step into Kostya's world. His magic weaves flawless
sleight-of-hand, uncanny presentations and devilish philosophy, to create an
unforgettable performance.
NEWSWORTHY The Society of Young Magicians Newburgh Assembly will meet on Saturday,
January 17th, 2004 at the Plattekill Public Library from 11:00 am - 12 noon,
Route 32, If you have a tip, review, joke, announcement, classified ad, or other material
of interest to club members, please mail or e-mail with your name and s.a.m.#
to: |