February 9, 2000
Name: denise
EMAIL: deburkart@aol.com
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 11:10:47 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... by the joy he shared with his
audiences...you always received a piece of it from every show. He will be
Name: Dennis
EMAIL: stoncold@wk.net
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Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 10:58:45 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... by the way he performed. He used
all the skills of the magician, but I could not help but noticed the
sparkle in his eye of the child, watching the trick manifest. He brought
a joy and special feeling to his art.
He blazed a trail that the magicians of today now follow and take further
along, a trail that was started by no less than Thurston, Houdini,
Blackstone......Doug Henning now joins that immortal group.
Vaya con Dios, Sir. You will be missed.
Name: ira
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 10:24:10 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning. when i first met him backstage at the Broadway
hit The
Magic Show. He was the only magician that made magic a wonder not
a puzzle. It is a great loss for the magic world, and in my mind will be
missed as much as Houdini......God bless you Doug.....
Name: Gene
EMAIL: psychicguy813@webtv.net
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Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 10:06:22 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... He was one of my closest friends in the
early 70's before he became famous, and I got a few breaks of my own.
We hung out together at Hollywood's Magic Castle, Doug, my lady
friend, J.R. and myself. He was laughed at by most of the old-timers
as Doug was "different". Totally mod, not the stuffy magic
type. He continued in his own style, and made a huge impact on the
magic fraternity.
Name: passinpat
EMAIL: passinpat@earthlink.net
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 10:03:18 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning at a very early age by watching his
television specials. I thought he was wonderful and knew that I was
watching the best. He also inspired me AGAIN with his MAGIC magazine
interview. When he spoke of the magic that happens every day, the
magic so many of us don't see, it brought tears to my eyes.
Doug solved the great mystery of life.
Name: Pamela
EMAIL: Pamelamb@wic.net
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Date: Wednesday, February 09,
Time: 09:38:24 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning when I met him in South Fallsburg on my Sidhis
Training Course. He offered a few words of inspiration to everyone that
night and filled us all with awe with his magic. He was kind enough to
take the time to write a note to my daughter which is framed and hanging
on our wall: To Ericka: Wishing you all of life's wonders and the magic of
Enlightenment. It is a treasured gift from Doug we shall always honor.
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
08:24:44 PM
Like many of Doug’s fans, I keep returning to this site to read all the
beautiful expressions of thanks and love for Doug. I had the great
fortune of working with Doug on a few projects, getting to know him, and
becoming a friend. The thing I can share with you is that he was
absolutely genuine. The sparkling, wonderful personality that we saw
on stage was actually the way he was in day to day life. He viewed
all of life through the window of wonder and amazement. He enlivened
this refreshing perspective and childlike innocence in us when we watched
his magic. But most of all, Doug was a great seeker of truth and
enlightenment. He gave a talk one time on the theme of magic
and Enlightenment, and I took notes. The following are Doug’s
"Something that people have forgotten in their
life is themselves, they have forgotten about themSelves. The
mind acts through the senses, and the mind is always looking outward,
material possessions wanting this, wanting that, wanting more money, they
live in this world of material possessions and they have forgotten about
themselves, they have forgotten about their own consciousness.
Happiness isn’t found by going after all these material things and fame
and money and all that stuff. I know, I had all the fame and money
and everything, and I realized that what I wanted was Enlightenment, what
I was missing was developing my consciousness, higher states of
consciousness, …realizing your own inner potential. And I think
that is the most important quest for anyone in the world to remember who
they really are." – Doug Henning
Thanks for the inspiration Doug. I believe that your final legacy will be
the building of your Veda Land theme park, so generations to come will
experience your wish that everybody could see the world through a sense of
Dan Walker
EMAIL: dan-walker@webtv.net
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
07:44:26 PM
Doug Henning was, and still is, my hero. I first saw Doug when I was
about nine and tuned in to his first television special. WOW!
Does anybody remember the state of magic before he came along? I was
glued to the television. The Doug Henning specials were television
at it's best. Can you imagine my excitement when my mom got tickets
for the two of us to see Doug's show live? We were there! The
two of us saw the show sharing the most amazing performance we had ever
seen. My mom passed away when I was sixteen and I still
remember that night as the happiest night we ever spent together.
Doug Henning made an elephant vanish, he walked through a brick
wall, he
even did a better water torture than Harry Houdini but his real magic was
touching people.. Thank you Doug for creating your magic for me and my
mom! I will miss you but your memory is always close by.
Doug Q. Bradley
EMAIL: magique@lvcm.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
04:45:44 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... as a child I was amazed by the beauty of
his magic. He inspired me to become a magician myself. I will never forget
his devotion to the art and only pray I can touch other people as deeply
as he so eloquently did, forever will I hear him say, "It's Maaagic!!!!!"
Tom Keenan
EMAIL: TK4012@aol.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
04:44:17 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... by his enthusiasm and his own enjoyment
of the craft. He seemed so happy when a magical feat was
accomplished. He always "WHOA"
see just what happened. To this day my favorite illusion is his
version of Metamorphosis. Sure the Pendragons are faster but it was
Doug that brought this illusion back to the masses. I saw him twice.
Once in Milwaukee, WI on 7/10/80 and then again in Chicago in 1982 where I
got his autograph. I have the soundtrack LP from "The Magic
Show" and I have used the opening song "Up to his old
tricks" as background music for one of my own illusions. With
all the quotes that have been in the news and his redemption of The Water
Torture Escape, I feel the quote that should be used is "The art of a
magician is to create wonder. If we live with a sense of wonder our lives
will be filled with joy" He certainly created a sense of wonder
and sure filled my life with joy. He will be missed.
Michael Mason
EMAIL: tmracing@home.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
04:38:11 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning...in the dome at MIU.
We had finished program, this was around 1978 I think, and I had on a
T-shirt that had metallic ink graphic moon with stars spilling out of it.
It caught his eye and we talked. He was kind and innocent and there was no
malice in him, only what we try so hard to get back to as the years
gather. There is no single episode where he "inspired" me. It
was that he simply was that thing that any person, no matter how mean or
disingenuous or cynical, really wants to give and to get. So I guess Doug showed me that
it was possible for anyone to attain it. It's hard to understand why when
the world so badly needs decent people that so many of them are leaving. I
lament not being able to see him again.
EMAIL: Majic97@yahoo.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
04:13:39 PM
I was very very saddened and moved by Doug's passing. I can't
explain exactly why, but I am affected very deeply by his death. He
was the FIRST magician that I ever saw, and he had such a lasting
impression on me that to this day, he remains my favorite magician of all
time....even though I haven't seen him perform in over 15 years. No
one today compares with him and his magical abilities, and magical
qualities as a human being. I am a novice, myself, but have had the
great pleasure of seeing some very big-time magicians and illusionists
from around the world. Still....even with today's brand of magic
(technology, grand illusion, budgets).....no one can come CLOSE to the
real, root of magic and wonder like Doug did. He managed to make a
person forget that they were watching a magician perform.....and instead
made them feel as though they were truly EXPERIENCING magic.....something
mystical. He actually transcended, in a way I have never seen since,
the barrier between magician and spectator. He brought us WITH him
on a journey, and allowed us to feel and experience the wonder and
excitement of magic.
I'm sure Doug is performing the best levitation of any magician in history
now.....no strings, wires, forklifts.....just his angel wings.
Forever in awe,
EMAIL: lisanat@hotmail.com
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
03:01:16 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... to see The
Magic Show on Broadway with
my mother, sister, and brother is a great memory. And we went back 5 more times, or
more. I cried so hard today when I read the news. Such a nice friendly guy.
really funny. I will share his memory with my 3 year old, but he left to
soon for the next generations.
Barbara Valaitis
EMAIL: Bvalaitis@DrakeCenter.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
02:25:23 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... I was also in awe by his talents.
My parents, brothers and sisters always watched when he was on TV.
My parents did have the opportunity to see Mr. Henning and were amazed at
his talent. He will be greatly missed. Over the years there was
always speculation about his where abouts. Now we all know he has
achieved the greatest form of magic. May God bless him and his loved
ones. He will be greatly missed.
EMAIL: eaprfool@earthlink.net
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
01:14:05 PM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... When I was watching Doug Henning doing
magic on TV show or live on stage, I felt I was part of his magic act. I
always liked magic since I was 12 years old and Doug Henning gave me the inspiration
and the confidence to actually try it myself and do magic in front of
I think Doug Henning did for magic what Ali did for boxing and Michael
Jordan did for basketball.
EMAIL: marianne@flash.net
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
12:58:55 PM
The light of his spirit filled my heart with joy!
Ellen McCormick
EMAIL: laryla@webtv.net
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
11:06:19 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning to never give up-always keep trying
till you reached the goal that you set for yourself. He gave so much
joy to the world-that is a thing that people who achieve fame are not
always able to do. I was shocked to read of his untimely death this morning. The
world has lost one of it's "good guys".
Jay Powell
EMAIL: jaypowell@webtv.net
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
10:34:59 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning as a teenager. I loved watching every
television special he had. My mom knew when Doug was on, she'd have to
make sure I knew about it, or I would be very upset. I always have loved performing, have
always done magic. Now I am a musician, but Doug's life had a solid impact
on me, even though I didn't professionally pursue the world of illusion. When
the park opens, my family and I will be there! THANK YOU DOUG,
Stephenie Reno
EMAIL: stephieg@home.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
09:56:21 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning...to spend months in the basement with my
sister performing magic tricks with a giant kit we had gotten at a garage
sale. He made me see the wonder of magic and how beautiful it is.
My favorite Muppet Show was the one with him on it.
Tony Hansen
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
09:29:57 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning to keep magic fun.
He was the best.
Nitya Huntley
EMAIL: nhuntley@hotmail.com
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
08:37:36 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... I loved Doug. I've known him since I was
a little girl, and he definitely taught us about wonder. My only magic
tricks I learned from Doug. He used to come to little potluck
parties in California... He and Debbie have always been my idols, the
ideal couple, so in love. She's so supportive and beautiful, like a fan of
love fluxing as his assistant when they're on stage. I'd like to send her
a note of consolement. To have a love like that and lose it must be hard,
even though she is so enlightened, and my heart goes out to her. My heart
is pinched by the loss of such a great man, even though his soul is
aspiring to the highest realms. But this reminds me again to love fully,
and live life completely with all the people I love and for myself,
because we don't know how long this precious opportunity of life on earth
is. My heart goes out to all of you, all of you have loved Doug and
been inspired by his magic, and I pray your hearts are soothed !
with love.........
Jai Guru Dev
Michael Jacobbe
EMAIL: mgchpns@hotmail.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
08:16:42 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning...as a child I first saw Doug Henning on
the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. He seemed to have a love for magic I
never felt before from other magicians I had seen. He seemed sincere and
made the audience feel they were part of the magic, not like you were
being fooled but shown a new way of looking at things. He made you believe
in Magic. He was a great influence to the magic community and will be
missed. His spirit of magic will live on through all the magicians he has
inspired over the years.
EMAIL: jimk@tusco.net
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Wednesday, February 09, 2000
07:12:08 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... ALWAYS ENJOYS DOUG'S MAGIC...WE
Szász János (John)
EMAIL: szaszj@elender.hu
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
05:06:36 AM
I will NEVER forget Doug Henning. As every child I was also fascinated my
magic. I first saw Doug on the television show he did in the late 1970's -
he was great. A magician's magician.
I remember Doug decided to move to Fairfield Iowa and build a home for the
Vedas. His intention (and attention) blossomed into VEDALAND. I met
Doug once in 1980, as he was running to the Golden Dome to do his program.
I was 13 years old and Doug was a really COOL hero to look up to.
He visited us at the MIU high school many times, and not only did magic,
but showed us exercises for magic.
I remember his fabulous wedding at MIU.
I will never forget when Doug came to MIU in 1987 and first told us about
Veda Land. He inspired everyone to send in ideas. I took it to heart, and
did my share.
Today I am a Governor co-running the TM center in Budapest Hungary. Almost
every week for the last several years, after the TM course is finished, I
take out the colorful Veda Land brochure and tell the new meditators the
story of Doug Henning. How he decided to build a home for the Vedas, how
it began to blossom, how it will be the greatest theme park on Earth with
it's rides that will enlighten people. They are all inspired by Doug's
creativity, and always want to hear more about this fabulous person who is
going to enlighten people through entertainment.
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
04:09:05 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning...
He enhanced my love for magic.
He was probably the best magician ever.
Suzi Spafford Edmonds
EMAIL: edmonds@cnetech.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
03:54:53 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning...I was lucky enough to meet Doug on
several occasions, and correspond with him during the late '70s and early
'80s. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his passing. My
thoughts and prayers go out to Debby and all his family. I am very
sorry that I lost contact with him, as I was hoping my children would be
able to see him perform. My heart is heavy with his sad news.
He was truly a sweet and wonderful person. Because of him, I met
some great people, who were part of his show that played in Vegas and Lake
Tahoe...one friend, Gingi Yee, was a 'pen pal' for quite a few years, I
even named my oldest (14 year old) daughter Gingi. I would have
loved to see Doug perform again...and would have loved to tell him what it
meant to have met him all those times...I have framed photos of him and
Debby on my wall, and cherish the hand written messages, that always
referred to me as a friend, instead of a fan. Thank you Doug...I'll
miss you.
Tony Blanco
EMAIL: Tony Blanco@aol.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
02:12:02 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... when I first saw Doug perform in The
Magic Show at the Cort Theatre in NY when I was 15 years old. At the
time Doug was putting a new coat of paint (and the paint was rainbow
colored) on the face of magic. It is now 25 years later and I have been
performing as magician, mime and circus artist. I currently appear at the
Excalibur Hotel Casino in Las Vegas. I want to say so much thanks to the
way my life has had so much magic in it because of the "sense of
wonder" Doug created. You shall be miss and many have been inspired,
God bless.
Love & Peace, Tony Blanco
Chris Connors
EMAIL: yaychrisconnors@usa.net
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
02:05:50 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... from the first time I saw his radiant
performance on television, and saw that he not only knew awe of life and
creation but could also bring us to that state too. Through his art and
his talent and his devotion to transcending the obvious, he enriched all
who were willing to be moved beyond what we think we know, beyond our own
personal boundaries. We will always have that enriching experience of his
magic and his life to remind us that it is all an illusion. God bless
Clark J.
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
01:53:38 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... Doug had the vision of real magic, saw
it was love, and gave it to everyone. My magic would not be the same
without him; magic overall would not be the same. Thank you, Doug. Hurry
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
01:46:40 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... I saw him at M.I.U.
He was such a nice man. The thing that was really cool was that he wasn't
dark like a lot of magicians try to be. Everything was bright and
beautiful around him. A truly beautiful man. I hope that Veda Land will
still happen.
Jai Guru Dev
Dan Toro
EMAIL: dtoro@idt.net
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
01:15:34 AM
Doug Henning, what else is there to be said. "The Magic Show"
was my first Broadway Show that I ever saw, and wanted to see. This 9 year
old at the time wrote him a letter. Doug wrote me back and I still have
that letter to this day. Unlike many famous people, Doug was down to
earth, that person you saw on Stage/TV was the same spirit in person. I am
deeply saddened to hear of his passing as I shed tears in writing this. If
there is anything that he left upon me back then, it would be to always
try to put a smile on others and make them think.
To his wife Debbie,
I am happy to have seen Doug. I never forgot about him through these
years. I just knew that he retired from performing magic, and shared the
rest of it with you. The world will miss him, but he will never be far
from this guy's memory for thoughtfulness he showed this 9 year old person
at the time, and others. The magic he put in us lives on.....
EMAIL: fishleg@msn.com
Remote Name:
Wednesday, February 09, 2000
12:15:18 AM
I was inspired by Doug Henning... One of the first magicians that actually
made me quiver when his magic was performed. He will be missed.

